
How long is the delivery time ?

The delivery time is 1-3 working days within Germany. 5-8 working days throughout Europe.

If shipping costs fall to ?

Within Germany and Europe, shipping is free of charge!

When will my order be sent ?

Orders placed until 12 noon will still on the same working day Orders placed over the weekend are always shipped on the next possible working day.

With which shipping service provider is the delivery ?

We ship all our items with GLS parcel service (with a few exceptions).


Is a return free ?

Yes, returns are free.

When does my return have to be registered ?

The return must be registered within 14 days of delivery.

How can the goods be returned ?

Returns can only be made in the original packaging.

Upon request, we will provide you with a return label free of charge.

You then send the package back to us via a GLS parcel shop.

Other questions

How long does the guarantee ? run

All products come with a 2-year warranty.

The guarantee has expired, but the product has damage

After the 2-year warranty period has expired, a replacement delivery is possible at any time for a fee.

A spare part can be ordered ?

Spare parts are available for all our fireplaces. You can purchase these in our shop.

You can usually carry out the repair yourself very easily using our spare parts.

Damage has occurred during transport

If transport damage occurs, the product will be replaced free of charge.

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