"Alternative” zur Gasheizung

"Alternative" for gas heating

Critical gas and oil supply - how you get your apartment warm and cozy


We are unknown to supply bottlenecks in the energy sector and it is a matter of course for many to use energy in the form of gas, oil or electricity in our own household. Two aspects cloud the carefree energy and consciously or forced dimensions should be taken into account. A large part of the common energy sources burdens the environment. This is not good because the effects of climate change are omnipresent. To consume energy, it must also be available. The current conflicts and wars in the world show unequivocally how quickly the energy supply can be throttled or completely collapsed. Not to mention the suffering and need for the directly affected people. 


On the other hand, warm water and heated rooms in our latitudes are among the essential basic needs. What effect does the current situation have? What can every household adjust to the new circumstances? How can the environment also benefit? In this article, we deal with the differences, advantages and disadvantages of the different energy sources and give an exciting outlook to consume energy safely and sustainably in the future. 


Table of contents

  1. Energy in the household - what are the big consumers? 
  2. What is energy and which energy sources are there? 
  3. Hot water supply with gas, oil or electricity? 
  4. Which form of energy is sustainable? 
  5. What energy problems will there be in Germany in the future? 
  6. Alternative heating options - the electrocamine 
  7. Conclusion 


Energy in the household - what are the biggest consumers?


    When it comes to energy, most consumers think of the charged cell phone, the coffee machine or the fridge. Indeed, all important things that have become an integral part of our modern life. The heat supply of your own four walls is neglected. In modern apartment buildings, the supply of warm water for heating the rooms and the hot water requirement is organized centrally. The effects of your own actions and action are at most visible on the annual billing. Heating our lives and work locations is one of the basic basic needs of our time. A supply gap has noticeable consequences - for all of us. 


     What is energy and which energy sources are there? 

    Energy drives us in all areas of life. It is the basic food of modern civilization. Everything depends on energy from the automobile to dentist visit. Energy itself is not perceptible. However, the energy sources are noticeable. There are big differences. 


    Gas, oil and coal are natural energy storage. Wherever they appear in the world, they are “harvested” by humans. In this form, they can be transported and saved without loss. The only way to use your energy is combustion. By burning gas, oil and coal, mechanical energy can be released, such as: B. for cars, ships or aircraft with combustion drive. Since heat is generated during combustion, it can be used directly for heating water. Heat can also be used in order to create a pressure for liquids, which in turn can drive things. 


    Electricity must be generated. Ideally, this is done on sustainable and resource -saving ways. This includes above all solar energy and wind power. In this way, electricity generated is CO₂-neutral and does not burden the earth's climate. Power and coal are also generated electricity. This is rather critical to consider it, since either a lot of CO₂ is released or the safe storage of nuclear waste cannot be guaranteed. 


    Hot water supply with gas, oil, coal or electricity?


      For heat supply, i.e. heating and hot water preparation, natural gas is the most used energy source in Germany. Just over 70 % of all households use central heating for heat supply - regardless of whether with single or multi -family houses. 


      These become 48 %, and at a large distance from other energy sources, with natural gas. With modern heating systems, this is an efficient way to generate heat with minimal energy use. After all, over 25 % heating with oil and 13.9 % of district heating from large heating power plants (often operated with coal). Just 5 % of households heat up with electricity. It is not generated directly from electricity. As a rule, the current operates a heat pump that takes the heat from the ambient air or the soil. 


      It is only through the use of heat pumps that heating with electricity is an efficient and sustainable option for heat supply. The lion's share still stems the fossil fuels of gas, oil and coal. However, the replacement of a heating system is expensive and the terms of the systems are common for well over 10 years. A significant increase in energy sources in heat supply is therefore not to be expected in the coming years. 


       Which forms of energy are sustainable? 

      In short: it is sustainable what resources and, above all, the climate of the earth are not stressed. The fossil fuels described above are finally and the day comes on which they are used up. The effort for their promotion is already extremely high and, above all, associated with other environmentally harmful influences. The fact that fossil fuels also relieve CO₂ into the atmosphere when they are teased to energy. CO₂ is considered a climate killer because it promotes the greenhouse effect and thus global warming. 


      The classics of sustainable energy generation are sun, wind, water, geothermal energy and biogas. In solar energy, solar cells convert sun rays into electrical energy. The procedure also called photovoltaics generates electricity that can be used immediately, stored in batteries or fed into the public power grid. Wind and water energy arise from mechanical conversion. Wind turbines or turbines are responsible for the extraction of electricity. Elder heat is obtained by pumping, which gain heat energy from deeper layers of earth. Biogas is methangas, which can be obtained during animal husbandry (e.g. from manure), but also by "fermentation" of organic waste is created and can be stored. 


      Nuclear power is hotly debated. It enables CO₂-neutral extraction of energy. The downside is high security risks and the non -clarified final storage of nuclear waste. The EU declares nuclear power into green energy, in Germany this decision is viewed critically. 


      What energy problems will there be in Germany in the future?

      Germany has been committed to climate protection for many years. This includes the successive expansion of sustainable forms of energy as well as the exit from nuclear power and the planned farewell to coal energy. The steadily growing proportion of renewable energies leads to a sustainably dominated electricity mix in Germany. 


      Germany is poor in easily promoting gas and therefore dependent on delivery from other countries. Due to the direct pipelines to the supporting countries, security of sufficient availability of inexpensive gas weighs over many years. The year 2022 shows how quickly the supply situation can deteriorate. Gas is a political issue and experiences difficult to plan availability. The gas requirement remains unbroken and meets a back offer. In the "best" case, this leads to a massive increase in price. The worst scenario is the complete collapse of the gas supply. Such a shortage leads to a state -regulated gas allocation. How much gas flows into private households cannot be predicted. There are fears whether apartments will be sufficiently tempered in the coming winter. 


      By introducing the gas surcharge in autumn 2022, the very high price level will continue to increase. There are significant additional costs for consumers. 


      Alternative heating options - many advantages for electrocamines 

      What happens if we suffer from gas shortages in Germany and our apartments are no longer comfortably warm? An immediate switch to heat pumps cannot be the answer. If the circumstances allow it, the systems are expensive and neither simply nor easy to install. 


      What are the alternatives? Power -powered heating systems offer an excellent way to be used as a heat source. Simply buying and comfortable in the line -up offer a high degree of security and user -friendliness. 


      In the first place is the problem -free supply of households with electricity. The supply situation is considered secure, especially compared to gas and oil. In the price comparison, too, it is becoming increasingly attractive to heat electricity. Heating with electricity is particularly interesting as an additional heat source for certain living rooms. 


      How about an electrocamine? It combines the advantages of comfortable heating with the perfect integration into its own living area. The fireplaces are not intended as a temporary solution for the coming winter, but offer a great look, a cozy ambience and, if necessary, a fantastic heating performance - even for larger rooms. If the electricity is made from sustainable sources, heating with electrocamines is entirely harmless to the climate and an active contribution to the minimization of harmful carbon monoxide is made! 


      On Elektrokaminshop.com there is a huge selection of stand, wall and installation fireplaces. Top quality and security are characterized by all electrocamines. 



      The gas and oil-based heat supply is critical and a precise forecast of further development is difficult. It is clear that the prices for oil and gas increase immeasurably. Alternative heating systems that are operated with electricity are an interesting addition to the domestic heating system. The good security of supply with electricity and the moderate price development in comparison offer a lot of scope to keep your own home warm and cozy. Other advantages are combined with electrocamines, since these devices can be perfectly integrated into their own ambience and mostly have automated heating programs. 
